Example of solving hCaptcha in an iMacros application with built-in Internet Explorer browser

How to solve an hCaptcha without installing an AntiCaptcha plugin by including an external JS file in an iMacros application.

For now, URL GOTO=javascript: may not work in some browsers. Therefore, this code won't work either. So try using Firefox or iMacros software instead.

For users who use a standalone iMacros application, we have created a JS file that contains a functionality for solving an hCaptcha in any browser, including IE, which is used by iMacros software.

This example closely resembles the reCAPTCHA 2 iMacros application-solving example. So, we've provided a straightforward example code for solving hCaptcha in the iMacros application.

VERSION BUILD=844 RECORDER=CR ' URL GOTO=http://democaptcha.com/demo-form-eng/hcaptcha.html ' ' Insert your Anti-Captcha API key here SET antiCaptchaApiKey YOUR-ANTI-CAPTCHA-API-KEY ' ' Fetch Anti-Captcha API key in TEXTAREA.[name=h-captcha-response] element TAG POS=1 TYPE=TEXTAREA ATTR=NAME:h-captcha-response CONTENT={{antiCaptchaApiKey}} ' Or you can place the API key in DIV#anticaptcha-imacros-account-key, it will also work 'URL GOTO=javascript:(function(){var<SP>d=document.getElementById("anticaptcha-imacros-account-key");d||(d=document.createElement("div"),d.innerHTML="{{antiCaptchaApiKey}}",d.style.display="none",d.id="anticaptcha-imacros-account-key",document.body.appendChild(d))})(); ' ' Include the hcaptcha.js file with all the functional URL GOTO=javascript:(function(){var<SP>s=document.createElement("script");s.src="https://cdn.antcpt.com/imacros_inclusion/hcaptcha.js?"+Math.random();document.body.appendChild(s);})(); ' ' The same code goes further, as if you're using the AntiCaptcha extension ' ' Fill the text field with the test value TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=NAME:recaptcha_demo_form ATTR=NAME:demo_text CONTENT=iMacros<SP>test<SP>message ' ' Most important part: we wait 120 seconds until an AntiCatcha indicator ' with class "antigate_solver" gets in additional "solved" class SET !TIMEOUT_STEP 120 TAG POS=1 TYPE=DIV ATTR=CLASS:"*antigate_solver*solved*" ' ' Send form TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:SUBMIT FORM=NAME:recaptcha_demo_form ATTR=TYPE:submit

If you encounter any difficulties while integrating the AntiCaptcha plugin with iMacros, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via theFeedback form!