Example of solving reCAPTCHA 2 in an iMacros application with built-in Internet Explorer browser

How to solve a reCAPTCHA 2 without installing an AntiCaptcha plugin by including an external JS file in an iMacros application.

For now, URL GOTO=javascript: may not work in some browsers. Thus, this code won't work in the same browsers. If this is the case, try using Firefox or iMacros software instead.

For those who use a standalone iMacros application, we've created a JS file containing a functionality for solving Recaptchas in any browser, including IE, which is used by iMacros software.

Only Google reCAPTCHA 2 and hCaptcha solution are implemented.

If you use an iMacros extension for Chrome or Firefox-like browsers, we recommend instead that you install our AntiCaptcha browser extension and learn about its capabilities for solving reCAPTCHA 2, Funcaptcha, Geetest, hCaptcha, and regular image captchas. Our extension works perfectly with the iMacros extension, allowing you to solve any captcha with this specialized tool.

The iMacros example is presented below. It opens pages with recaptchas and solves them. YOUR-ANTI-CAPTCHA-API-KEY needs to be replaced by your Anti-Captcha.com account key.

In line number 6 Anti-Captcha.com API key is set.
In line 9 — your API key is fetched into a TEXTAREA element, which is always present on a page with a reCAPTCHA.

If this way of setting the API key doesn't work properly, you can uncomment line 11. The API key there is set into a special DIV element. This method is less concise but more reliable.
Both key settings are supported.

Line 14 includes the JS file with recaptcha-solving functionality. We recommend that you always include this file from cdn.antcpt.com because it is the only way to ensure that you have all the latest features and fixes.

VERSION BUILD=844 RECORDER=CR ' URL GOTO=https://antcpt.com/rus/demo-form/recaptcha-2.html ' ' Insert your Anti-Captcha API key here SET antiCaptchaApiKey YOUR-ANTI-CAPTCHA-API-KEY ' ' Fetch Anti-Captcha API key in TEXTAREA.g-recaptcha-response element TAG POS=1 TYPE=TEXTAREA ATTR=CLASS:g-recaptcha-response CONTENT={{antiCaptchaApiKey}} ' Or you can place the API key in DIV#anticaptcha-imacros-account-key, it will also work 'URL GOTO=javascript:(function(){var<SP>d=document.getElementById("anticaptcha-imacros-account-key");d||(d=document.createElement("div"),d.innerHTML="{{antiCaptchaApiKey}}",d.style.display="none",d.id="anticaptcha-imacros-account-key",document.body.appendChild(d))})(); ' ' Include recaptcha.js file with all the functional URL GOTO=javascript:(function(){var<SP>s=document.createElement("script");s.src="https://cdn.antcpt.com/imacros_inclusion/recaptcha.js?"+Math.random();document.body.appendChild(s);})(); ' ' Further goes the same code as if you use AntiCaptcha extension ' ' Fill the text field with test value TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=NAME:recaptcha_demo_form ATTR=NAME:demo_text CONTENT=iMacros<SP>test<SP>message ' ' Most important part: we wait 120 seconds until an AntiCatcha indicator ' with class "antigate_solver" gets in additional "solved" class SET !TIMEOUT_STEP 120 TAG POS=1 TYPE=DIV ATTR=CLASS:"*antigate_solver*solved*" ' ' Send form TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:SUBMIT FORM=NAME:recaptcha_demo_form ATTR=TYPE:submit

On certain websites, it's forbidden to include external JS files because the Content-Security-Policy header and our recaptcha.js won't be embedded.
In such cases, the entire code of a JS recaptcha-solving file can be replaced by inserting just one line directly into your iMacros script.
Line 14 should be replaced by the content of a relatively large single-line file that you can get from the following link: https://cdn.antcpt.com/imacros_inclusion/recaptcha.js.imm .