Frequently asked questions

Answers for frequent questions you ask about the plugin, including it's speed, errors handling and refund issues.

Dear users we wrote here answers for most frequently asked questions that you send us using feedback form or email.

  1. The browser shows an ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error in the console.

    This error message says that the server isn't available for you.
    It's the service fault or something wrong with your internet connection.
    We can only recommend few things:

    • If you use proxy then disable it and see if this error disappears.
    • On the other hand you can on the contrary turn some proxy on because its connection might be more stable to the server.
    • Restart your router.
    • Also we googled and found a nice article about how you can solve the ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED issue.

  2. I see Captcha for this domain is restricted (ERROR_HIGH_DEMAND_DOMAIN) error when solve captcha on

    This error comes with a page link where service describes this situation.
    We can NOT affect this behavior, it's the service desicion.
    Please make sure you follow all the requirements. Which are: the 1000$ min account balance and the 100$ min bid per 1000 captchas.

  3. The browser shows an CRX_REQUIRED_PROOF_MISSING error on install.

    Please follow instructions on the Installation guide for AntiCaptcha plugin for Chrome, Opera, Edge from CRX web page. Especially paragraphs (0) and (0.5).

  4. I get the following error: "Customer did not enable Funcaptcha in Customers Area : API Settings"

    You need to enable Funcaptcha Proxyless tasks first in API settings web-page to make this task type work in this plugin.

  5. Can I set the plugin options (API key) without opening a settings menu?

    Pay attention to a "/js/config_ac_api_key.js" file, you can set the API key and almost any other plugin setting. More info in the A way to explicitly register the Anti-Captcha service key for Selenium paragraph.
    Such case is good if you install the extension using ZIP archive, for example in Selenium Webdriver.
    In the other case if you use the CRX then you can try the API messaging in the plugin, see setOptions.

  6. The Incorrect incoming format error

    Such error appears only for testing (free) captchas that we provide. For payed captchas it will not be shown. We trying to fix this error ASAP. Just try again later.

  7. Does this extension work in Selenium headless mode?

    Not really. It's not possible to run Selenium in the headless mode with extensions support. At least for now.
    But you can екн our JS script that solves Recaptcha 2 only. Read more info in An example for solving reCAPTCHA 2 without an extension installation article. Some of our users use it for iMacros, but it's suitable for any automation tool. On the page above is an example of how to use it with the Puppeteer.
    A better option would be using our extension with Selenium driver in headful mode. Since the extension supports all captcha types and always has all the latest features and fixes.

  8. Error Captcha provider reported that additional variable token has expired. You need to restart this web page.

    You can see such message for Geetest captcha.
    Since to draw a Geetest widget the target website generates a disposable token, which allows you to "show" a Geetest captcha only once. In some situations it is being drawed twice for our workers and thus this token considered as spoiled and we have the error mentioned above.
    We recommend you to restart the captcha solving process by refreshing the web page for example. In this case the target website will generate a new token and captcha can be solved normally.

  9. Doesn't work. What do I do?

    Dearly beloved, unfortunately our thought-reader aka predictor of the future left the country when he knew that Trump became a president of USA. Our ex co-worker probably knows something we don't. As well as we don't know what happened in your case and we can't help you relying on such a short description.
    Just send us more information, a link to the website you have problem with and description of a problem. Screenshot would be nice too. It will save us both some time and you won't need to send this information in a next message anyway.

  10. Does AntiCaptcha plugin work with Firefox version 47 and less, browsers Pale Moon, Seamonkey and TorBrowser?

    Our plugin supports only Firefox version 48 and more as well as TorBrowser. We don't support Firefox 47 and less and browsers Pale Moon and Seamonkey because they built using this old Firefox. More info on installation manual page for Firefox and TorBrowser.

  11. Does the plugin work on the X website?

    Probably yes. We always respond our users and we will write you back.
    But you have a great opportunity to check it by your own: we give 15 free CAPTCHAs for Google Chrome users, all you need to do is authorise in the browser using your Google account.

  12. You promised me 15 free CAPTCHAs, where are they?

    Again, it works only in Google Chrome and to get them you need to be authorised in the browser with your Google acc.

  13. Error: No idle workers are available at the moment, please try a bit later or try increasing your maximum bid.

    You can increase your maximum bid on the page of API settings of your account. We recommend to set it up to 20-30$ so you won't have this problem again.

    You can also get this error in the plugin setting window after pressing "Save" button. In this case please check that your account isn't blocked or an authorisation isn't required!

    Please DO NOT WRITE US a messages about this error to support, there is nothing we can do about it! Your report will be ignored.

  14. I don't like quality of your service, please refund my money asap!

    It's your right. But unfortunately we can't help you with that. Our plugin uses service for captcha solving, you pay them and we have nothing to do with this service. That's why with all financial questions you should ask their support, only they can help you and we don't even if we wanted it really hard.

  15. I paid you and my money hasn't arrived yet!

    Please watch previous question. We don't solve any financial issues. Besides asking support system you can check if your account isn't blocked, it might help.

  16. The plugin works slow, can "I'm not a robot" (or regular image) CAPTCHA be solved faster?

    Specially for this we developed a reCAPTCHA 2 precaching feature, you can enable and tune it in a plugin options. In fact it doesn't decrease a solving time itself but it allows you to pre-start a solving process for a particular domain thus when you need a solution it may be already resolved or being in the process of solving some time. Attention! Such feature will increase spending since some of the so called precached tasks may not be used and will expire afterwards. This feature is still experimental, we'd glad to hear any feedback about it from you!

  17. How to make AntiCaptha plugin work with

    They've added an awful audio captcha, that is difficult solve even for human. Our extension doesn't support audio captchas yet. Anyway we've made few fixes to solve a recaptcha there correctly. These fixes are available starting from version 0.1654.

  18. Where are maximum bid and API settings are placed and everything?

    Forty two ;) Seriuosly, though, on API SETTINGS page of website

  19. Sometimes I see "Unknown error, watch console" message.

    Try to disable extensions like AdBlock they may block requests to our server. Also some VPN providers may interrupt normal work, try to disable them.

    If didn't help, please open a debug pannel (key F12) and then a Console tab. And copy or make a screenshot of everything you see there when such error occurs. And send it all to us on Admin email, we'll fix it! Thank you!

  20. While installing I see "Not from Chrome Web Store" message, the plugin didn't install and it's grayed out in the extension list.

    Probably you tried to install our extension from CRX file in Chrome for Windows or MacOs. But it's not gonna work this way. That's why we created a web-page, where described possible ways to install the extension for Chrome.
    To make it work just look at the plugin installation instructions from a ZIP archive.

  21. Image captcha doesn't work on a web site, or it used to work, but then stopped

    There might be that an automatic solving stopped to work for this site (usually it might happen with portals like or Solve Media). It's also possible that your target site has a specific captcha that we couldn't recognize.

    In both cases please try to mark an image and an input filed using instructions of how to solve image captchas using AntiCaptcha plugin.

  22. I see an error message about incorrect access key in VKButton extension

    Unfortunately we do not provide any support for VKButton, please contact their technical support team.

  23. The browser shows an message about disabling our extension at startup, even in dev mode.

    Try to use the extension in any other browser, for example Comodo Dragon or Chromium.