AntiCaptcha plugin for installation on Google Chrome, Opera, and Microsoft Edge browsers

The AntiCaptcha plugin can be installed in two formats (CRX or ZIP), depending on your operating system and an auto-update feature requirement. Suitable for Chrome, Opera, and Edge browsers

Dear users! Google has removed our extension from the Chrome Web Store, and now there are only two installation options.

Each option has its benefits and flaws. It's your choice! We remind you that Firefox-like browsers don't have such issues, and installation and auto-update work fine.

Manually from CRX file

  • Last available version: 0.67
  • Works in Chrome, Chromium, Opera, and Edge for Windows: Need to edit Windows Registry
  • Developer mode required: Yes
  • Auto-update feature: Yes

This option is for those who need the latest features and the auto-update functionality.
The plugin should be registered in the Windows Registry to make it work in Chrome, Chromium, Opera, and Edge.

CRX Installation instructions

Manually from ZIP file

  • Latest available version 0.67
  • Works in Chrome, Chromium, Opera, and Edge for Windows without editing the registry: Yes
  • Developer mode required: Yes
  • Auto-update feature: No

Recommended only for Chrome, Chromium, Opera, and Edge for Windows users who can't/don't want to edit Windows Registry.
Unfortunately, the auto-update feature doesn't work, and you'll have to reinstall the plugin whenever you need to update it.
Also, Developer mode must be ON all the time to work with the extension.

ZIP Installation instructions