Kolotibablo Bot plugin installation for Google Chrome and Opera Browser using ZIP archive

Kolotibablo Bot plugin installation instructions for Google Chrome, Opera Browser in manual mode from ZIP archive with screenshots

This is one of the two possible Kolotibablo Bot plugin install options for Google Chrome and Opera. On the page Plugin for Windows and Linux in Google Chrome and Opera you can read about all the variants and their benefits and flaws.

On this page you'll find a detailed tutorial of how to manually install Kolotibablo bot plugin for your browser from unpacked ZIP archive. We recommend such method only if you couldn't install it from CRX file.

For the browser extension installation please follow instructions below:

1) At first press the download link below.

Download Kolotibablo bot plugin for Google Chrome in ZIP format

2) After downloading we need to unzip an archive. To do so open a directory with downloaded file.

After pressing a link the archive will be in Downloads section. On a downloaded file menu choose Show file in directory to be able to unpack it.

3) Click right mouse button on a ZIP file and choose "Extract All..." option and follow further instructions. After unpacking you'll see our plugin sources.

Unpacking an archive in Windows File Explorer.

Directory with plugin sources, don't close it, we'll need it later.

4) Please open an Extensions panel as it shown in the picture below.

Open a main browser menu, then More tools and then click Extensions.

5) You have two possible ways of a Kolotibablo bot plugin installing.

5a) You may drag a directory with plugin sources onto any place of an Extensions pannel.

Drag a directory with sources with your mouse onto Extensions pannel, a plugin installation will start immediately.

5b) Or you can enable a Developer mode and press Load unpacked extension and then select a directory with plugin files.

Being on a Chrome Extensions pannel mark an checkbox for Developer mode. Further you press Load unpacked extension button and in opened window choose a directory with unpacked plugin source files. Press Ok and an extensionn will be installed.

Congratulations, the plugin is successfully installed.

Extension installed notification.

Press Kolotibablo bot icon to see options window. Usually there is no need to modify these settings.